Wednesday, October 27, 2010

whirlwind week...

October 27, 2010 

It has been a week since we weren’t sure about the future of our baby girl.  She has come a long way from then and has continued to be the little miracle baby.  This week has been a blur to us, but throughout each part, we can feel the presence of our mighty God.  We have had many times of sorrow and grief and just waiting for the next moment.  That is when He has sent us friends to hug us and love on us and sent family to comfort us and to help us sit through the long hours of waiting.  We have felt the many hundreds and thousands of prayers sent up for our dear lil’ Jo.  We are still unsure of the future, but God has preserved this little ladies life and I am sure He has been rejoicing by the amount of intercession that is being done on her behalf and on our behalf.  Thank you!

So how is Josie doing?  She is one tough cookie!  We posted on the wall that she was able to get her breathing tube out on Monday and was given a little air cannon that fit in her nose for extra oxygen.  Then on Tuesday they stopped the oxygen because she was doing everything on her own.  They decided to stop the oxygen in the midst of the Tornado warnings – it helped to not have one more thing to worry about as she was being moved back and forth from her room to the hallway.  Oh, what chaos! 

On Tuesday they removed her arterial line, an IV line and her catheter (too much information? – she’ll be so embarrassed later on in life when she reads these!).  She still has her central line in her right shoulder area and will continue to have this line for medicine administration.  They started her feeding tube feeds on Thursday or Friday night (time runs together when you are at the hospital) and she is up to full feeds and handling them well.  Many of you knew she had severe reflux problems at home and starting her feeds up made us a little nervous that she would begin to reflux again.  So far that has not been the case – Praise God! 

Today was a busy morning – the doctors and therapist all seemed to come in a steady stream.  They included: Neurosurgeon and his PA, Neurologist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist and then to top it all off, she ended up having an EEG.  She was a tuckered out little girl!  The best part of those visits was the Speech Therapist – she started messing with Josie’s mouth – of which she didn’t like one bit at first.  Then she calmed down and actually seemed to enjoy being messed with for once.  The last thing the Speech Therapist did was to try a pacifier AND JOSIE TOOK IT!  We were so amazed!  We haven’t been able to give her a pacifier since August because her gag reflex had become highly sensitive.  I have now given it to her several times today and she keeps taking it – amazing!

As I write this, Josie just had another seizure – not sure if it was the busy day or the nurse was given the go ahead to turn her more on her right side (the side where the tumor is) than she has been and if that jump started something in her brain.  Not sure we’ll know the answer to that one, but it is what it is – poor kiddo!  Not an easy thing to watch.

Josie’s case goes to the tumor board on Friday and from there we will hopefully find out more of what is to come.  We know that they cannot do anything until she is more healed and that is at least another week away (usually 2 weeks post-op).  This tumor is aggressive, so they can’t leave it alone for too long, but she has to be stronger before any other procedure. 

We are feeling the weariness of this week – we are both tired.  Pray for Josie, pray for us, pray for our girls, who are being shuffled around a bit. 

Blessings and good night,
Darcia & Marc

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