Sunday, August 1, 2010

We're HOME!


It's August and we are home! When Josie was diagnosed with a brain tumor, we did not foresee that we would be home this soon. Honestly, we expected to be at the hospital for a couple months, so we are extremely happy to have Josie home this early.

Leaving the hospital was actually anti-climatic, we were blasted with information and then there was a shift change and when we left, not many of the nurses or doctors that we had been working with were there, so we just kind of walked out of the hospital. Not sure what we were expecting, but it felt a little strange.

The homecoming was just as strange - we got out of the hospital later then we thought, when we got home - everyone greeted us and then the on-call nurse pulled up to help us get Josie set up at home. It was a bit chaotic - thankfully my in-laws took the girls out for dinner and we were able to get josie settled in -although there was a bit of craziness with that too.

It is good to be home - did I say that already?! Last night was our first really rough night of sleep. We think Josie was over stimulated from the day, so she had a hard time settling in and then her feeding tube pump kept giving us errors. Unfortunately, it is a very irritating high pitched beep that lets us know there is a problem. Not nice when it wakes us up from already scattered sleep.

The biggest prayer request we have for Josie is that she will start taking a bottle. She only had 2 days to try out the sucking process before her surgeries and then after those she was on an IV and now on a feeding tube. She needs to be "re-trained" to suck, but she has no interest and so far it has made her REALLY mad when we put anything into her mouth. We have a speech therapist to help with this process, but it is simply something that she will have to relearn and we have to be the administrators of that process.

Josie seems to be doing typical baby stuff, which is a great sign that her brain is working well. Time will tell, as far as how this whole trauma has affected her, but at this point, she is doing normal baby stuff. She doesn't like transition (not many of us do!) from one place to another. Plus she is constantly bombarded with kisses and ever-doting sisters, which overwhelms even me, so I am sure Josie is getting it too. :)

I need to stop rambling, but wanted to get a few notes out about Josie's homecoming. We will probably update this page less as we are not sitting in a hospital room - we have 2 other kiddo's and all of the rest of life to get back into the swing of around here.

Keep praying...we are going to need it just as much now.

Marc & Darcia

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